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  • Lindsey Hobson

50 Precious Words 2024

#50preciouswords contest is back! Writing a story with a beginning, middle, and end in 50 words or less is always a challenge and every year I am amazed by everyone's talent. You can read all of the entries here.

My entry this year was inspired by a true story of a tawny owl who didn't hesitate to adopt 2 orphaned owlets after her own eggs failed to hatch. ❤️🦉 Check out the full story!

Last year, I received 7th place (out of 756 entries!) in this contest, allowing me to submit my manuscript to The Little Press which resulted in a book deal! Dark Skies releases spring 2025 📚

Here's my entry for 2024, Mama Luna, coming in right at 50 words.

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